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The Ubiquitous Librarian

In the pursuit of user-sensitive librarianship.

The Chronicle Blog Network, a digital salon sponsored by The Chronicle of Higher Education, features leading bloggers from all corners of academe. Content is not edited, solicited, or necessarily endorsed by The Chronicle.

Posts from The Ubiquitous Librarian

The place where fun comes to die…

You know that something is definitely no longer cool when a university Policy Office starts talking about it.

When Consortiums Fail

Bit of an off topic rant today. I am very frustrated with my consortium lending process. Sure, it’s great that 35 libraries share their holdings, but can you imagine this scenario happening with Amazon?

Desk slow? check out the annoyed librarian

Great post from my new favorite blog: The Annoyed Librarian. Takes the ubiquitous model to a whole new extreme! It cracks me up, especially the Journal of Soup Marketing and the 69,300,000 google hits hits via smart phone. Seriously, great stuff!

Assessment Stuff

Ok, so this is my latest article: The Role of Industry Standards: An Overview of the Top Engineering Schools’ Libraries. It took me two years to write this due to motivation issues. It’s about engineering standards and kind of boring.

endnote + iTunes

In Post-Memorial Day recovery I submit the thoughts of a student. The post asks: What do you do with papers that other people wrote?

I like LC but...

Thanks everyone for your interest in this blog.

What is The Ubiquitous Librarian?

The Ubiquitous Librarian is everywhere! The Ubiquitous Librarian constantly seeks new ways to interact with users. The Ubiquitous Librarian is all about participation. It’s about stepping outside of the library and interacting with patrons wherever they may be: online, in the classroom, in the…
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